HONG KONG: Good City Foundation Collaborates With Pico Global and KPMG To Launch Tai Po Wishing Tree Digital Wishes For Good
2ND SEPTEMBER — While many could pray for themselves and for individual good, Hong Kong needs a more collective wish with actions for longer-term of sustainable and resilient prosperity in society and economy than ever before. With the joint efforts of the Good City Foundation, Pico Global and KPMG in the journey of the Connected Cities Conference 2022 and Community Program in Tai Po District of the Social Enterprise Summit (where Good City Foundation as Co-Organizer), the partnership is formed to launch the Tai Po Wishing Tree Digital Wishes For Good, an online portal where the general public, and especially the high-level participants to the Connected Cities Conference 2022 by KPMG, could make a wish for Hong Kong over a digital Bo-Dip (寶碟) with their name to the digital wishing tree.
Website Link: https://wishingtree.goodcityfoundation.org/
From Personal Wish To A Collective Hope On Prosperity, By Digital
It has been a century of historical folk culture of Taoism (道家) (practised by Hakka people), where local villagers made wishes for their individual good and families. Traditionally, people write the full name and birthday on the paper Bo-Dip (紙寶碟) and throw to the top of the large banyan trees (榕樹).
The partnership believes that such culture represents a strong collective memory, folk traditions and values for not just a community in Tai Po, but in general Hong Kong. The digital portal was designed in a way that the wishes are made for collective good, such as Public Health, Quality Employment, Affordable Society and Liveable Environment and so on.
The trick of design is that the digital portal also serves to reflect public preference and priority of their wishes, which social wish in our community shall be addressed first.
Since March 2022, a collective group of 32 public policy research interns (university post-graduates and KGV high school students) have been conducting a series of policy analysis exercises on a few wicked social economic challenges in Tai Po District and Northern Metropolis including the Re-Industrialisation Development, ESG Strategies in Corporates (aka. “Business for Good”), Employment Challenges of Youth and Elderly-Friendliness in the Neighbourhood.
NFT For Sustainability & Community in Tai Po and Hong Kong
The vision of this project is to preserve the spirit of a local Hong Kong tradition in a new and innovative way, using a mix of traditional folk culture and digital tools. We will ask users to make a personal wish that contributes to a shared community value. In doing so, we also want to lay the foundation for future community engagement.
The project, a partnership between Good City Foundation, KPMG, and Pico, will launch the Wishing Tree NFT (Non-Fungible Token) for anyone to contribute and participate. On the website, participants will be invited to choose from a selection of virtual wishes. After submitting their name and email, participants can review their wish attached to a digital orange, or “Bo-Dip” with their name on it. Finally, participants virtually “throw” their wishes onto the digital wishing tree. Participants can click “Contributors” to view who has submitted wishes.
The Wishing Tree NFT will be officially launched during the session hosted by Fareeda Cassumbhoy, Chief Digital Officer of the Pico Group, at 4:20PM on “City Of Tomorrow — The Dao Of The Possible” at The Connected Cities Conference 2022 on Friday, 9 September 2022, now open for registration at https://bit.ly/3oQH9cz. Participants who attended the session will be eligible to win this distinctive co- created NFT after taking part in a short quiz.
The Wishing Tree NFT promotion demonstrates the potential for how modern technology could be used to raise funds for community initiatives and social development. Supporting corporations could participate in production and collection of NFTs in a similar way.
Learning More About Community Program of Social Enterprise Summit and Public Policy Research Project on Re-Industrialisation in Tai Po District
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