The Next Wave of Entrepreneurship, Happening in Government
The 49th St. Gallen Symposium in Switzerland was wrapped up last week and the impact remained strong with voices globally speaking of the latest trend of development and thoughts of the young minds.
While most of the world is encouraging the stronger movement in entrepreneurship and innovation, the Symposium took its actions to produce a great mix of audience including the “youngest female minister” in Africa, H.E. Bogolo Kenewendo, Minister of Investment, Trade and Industry from Botswana, the “youngest female parliament member” Hon Councillor Buumba Malambo, in Africa from Zambia and Ms. Ebba Hermansson, Sweden Democrats Parliament member, the vibe sparkles a stronger drive with a tale of the time at which “it is time for the youth to lead more, entrepreneurially”.
While the audience involves largely the young and the aspiring seniors, such setting has become very generational where young entrepreneurs and, young government leaders, get to speak directly with seniors even Mr. Heng Swee Keat, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance of Singapore.
Such dynamics leads to a call of thought and belief, that this is perhaps time for young government leaders to be better incubated and nurtured. Perhaps the next wave of talent and youth incubation shall be specific for government development and policy innovation? Would such mentioned Stewardship / Foundation Model (Capital for Purpose) bring faith to fair and just investing for better government?
Extension Read: The Market Left Behind, Foundation Ownership and Capital for Purpose
Next Wave of Entrepreneurship Will Happen in Government and Policy Leadership
Looking at the past 5 years of democratic elections and development of government landscape, the government leadership, especially in developing countries and cities, is getting younger.
As the trend of demography and development landscape shifts, technology entrepreneurs and innovators have already become mainstream of workforce and the incubation of such talents become a sweet-spot.
Yet, as the realm of talent requirement and output of future workforce moves, there comes in the demand of workforce, if not leadership, of higher calibre in policy innovation for new technology, public policy design for startups and new workforce and blooming of new jobs. The new workforce in government and policy would be also demanded to understand more cross-sector, inter-generational and multi-stakeholders issues, domestically and regionally.
While the new government leaders may need to venture with resilient and agile public policy, the workforce would be even required to think with impact investing mindset and strong geo-political and culture calibre. Public financing takes high responsibility to tax payers and citizens, this is also a new means of negotiation for multilateral collaboration in the region for more comprehensive infrastructure for regional resilience, in the face of natural or man-made challenges.
Dialogue, Strategy and Development Agenda among the Public and the Private(especially Startups)
To experiment the belief, Future City Summit and its 30 city partners from Asia and Africa tend to structure meaningful annual conference(Future City Summit Annual Meet) and development programs(Public Private Partnership by Youth), where young entrepreneurs and young policy leaders from various domains(such as tourism, hospitality and innovation) meet, explore the stressing fundamental issues in development and design collaboration development plan among the stakeholders for impact in your own cities.
Here it means to provide high new experience and exposure to policy leaders for learning and interaction with other stakeholders such as entrepreneurs and impact investors.
The upcoming PPP by Youth will be hosted in one of the most fashionably vibrant cities in the world, Bangkok. Together with National Innovation Academy and top sustainable brands and startups, we will gather and explore the next impact unicorn model, where policy innovation comes in.
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