Leaders of Emerging Cities: Nomination Open for Sponsored Delegation under The New Normal World for FCS2020 Annual Meet
What matters to you most in the post-pandemic world? What matters most to change for the next 100 new cities in future? A symposium of social entrepreneurs and scholars in Future City Summit is trying to find more actionable thoughts. We believe there is a way for better future.
In the celebration of the 5th Anniversary of Future City Summit, the Annual Meet is open now for nomination of outstanding delegation from each country in emerging Asia and Africa. Delegate fee would be covered and the nominated delegates with full completion in the Summit would be awarded with certificate.
200 Nominated and invited delegates be welcomed to the Future City Summit Annual Meet with a setting and experience design for hyper collaboration and conversation.
Delegates of different backgrounds would be highly facilitated by the hosts of the Summit to schedule partnership meetings and sessions based on their development backgrounds and professional interests, such as venture capital, urban development, cross-border technology exchange, regional ecosystem partnership and others. Selected Delegated would be also invited to the Roundtables for Emerging Future Cities Network and Tech For Good Cities Roadshow to meet with 20 high profile angel investors and institutional partners.
We Are Open For The Following Leaders Nomination (20–35 years old) :
- Young Entrepreneurs with inclusive and impactful technologies
- Young Planners with visions of long-term resilience and urban digitisation
- Young Policymakers with strong passion in urban economics design
- Young Corporate Leaders with vast interest in corporate shared values
- Young Community Leaders with high community engagement power
- Other walks of leaders with interests in collaboration on a digital post-pandemic world
Nomination Submission Link : Click Here (Deadline: 10th November)
(Please follow this Emerging Knowledge Medium page to keep updated regarding the latest news, sharing and announcement. And fill in the form with the name of the City Partners / Partners / Alumni who nominate you)
About Future City Summit Annual Meet :
Future City Summit(FCS) is an annual curation of meeting with new coming young leaders in the public and private sectors in emerging Asia and Africa with the current partnership network of Good City Foundation, since 2016. Firstly funded by The Global Partnership Seed Fund by the Vice President Office of The University of Hong Kong, the Summit visions to foster stronger urban resilience for the next 100 new cities in future through young leaders in the public and private sectors in emerging Asia, Africa and rest of the world.
Reference :
- Emerging Cities: Future City Summit Annual Meet 2020 for Post-Pandemic Recovery and Overcoming Socio-economic Capacity Trap among Emerging Asia and Africa
- Tech for Good Cities : Companies That Matter For The Next 100 Years
- Re-engineering Hong Kong (People): A City (and The People) That Matters Asia and The World For Current and Next 3 Generations
- Optimising Cities: Can We Think and Plan for the Next 100 Years?